Monday to Saturday
9: 30-12: 30
14:00 -17:30
Check-in until 17:15
Closed on Sundays and public holidays
Please call us in Japanese.
We see patients with appointments only.

About HPV vaccine

At Kusunoki Ladies' Clinic Kitasenju, we actively provide HPV vaccinations.
With rare exceptions, cervical cancer is said to be caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Cervical cancer can be prevented and detected early by vaccination before the onset of sexual intercourse and regular cervical cancer screening (cytology) after the onset of sexual intercourse.
If any of the following (1) or (2) applies, the local government will send you a vaccination ticket.
(1) Girls from the 1st grade of junior high school to the 1st grade of high school (conventional vaccination target)
(2) Girls born between April 2, 1997 and April 1, 2006
(target of catch-up-vaccination)
Vaccination will be free of charge for 3 years from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025.
From April 1, 2023, the 9-valent HPV vaccine (Sylgard 9) will also be available as an option for scheduled vaccination and catch-up vaccination.
People who have been vaccinated with the bivalent or quadrivalent vaccine up to the present have no problem changing to the 9-valent vaccine in the course of their vaccinations.
*** If you start the 9-valent vaccine when you are under 15 years of age, you will get the same effect with two doses of the vaccine. Starting vaccination earlier will reduce the number of injections.
※※※If you missed the scheduled vaccination and have been vaccinated at your own expense by March 31, 2022, you can receive reimbursement (you will get your money back).
About catch-up vaccination
Click the figure to see the original.
Click the figure to see the original.
Click to see the original.
日本医師会ホームページ https://www.tokyo.med.or.jp/22546
Click the figure to see the original.
日本医師会ホームページ https://www.tokyo.med.or.jp/22546
The following three vaccines are available at our clinic. Do you think you need them? If you are a family member who is unsure about vaccinating your child, or wondering which type of vaccine is best for you, please make an appointment with us.
Click here for the price list.

Except in the case of scheduled vaccinations (free of charge), you will be charged an initial consultation fee at personal expense and a second consultation fee at personal expense.


"Will there be any side effects? I understand that there are many people who are worried about the side effects.
The various symptoms that were reported on TV at one time have not been proven to be causally related to the vaccine.
Click the figure to see the original.
Click the figure to see the original.
The effectiveness of the HPV vaccine has been shown to be higher when given before the onset of sexual intercourse, but even after the onset of sexual intercourse, there is a certain level of effectiveness for those up to 45 years of age. If you are wondering about vaccination, please consult with us.